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Career Corner
Pros offer advice

Jarrod A. Fitch (North Texas Daily via ispi News Service) -- Sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach, and hyperventilation are just a few of the symptoms almost every college student will feel after they receive their degree, go out into the real world, and experience their first interview.

Though to some the thought of meeting a potential employer for the first time can be a nerve racking experience there are ways to make the experience as painless as possible.

Many professionals have travelled the same road as those who are coming after them and have suggestions on making the transition from student to employee as painless as possible.

James E. Barnes, senior manger of public relations for Compaq in Houston, compares finding a job to a football game because it is important to establish a game plan in order to maintain the most success.

Talia L. Nye-Keif, an image development counselor for Prx Image Development in San Antonio, said the most important tool for landing a job after college is self-promotion.

In order to accomplish that, students must analyze and list their skills, she said.

The three questions Keif said she suggests that students ask themselves what their skills, desired salary and geographic preferences are when searching for a job.

"You can't know where you're going until you know where you've been and who you are," Keif said.

For many employers, a resume will give the first glimpse at a potential employee, according to a pamphlet that Keif wrote about how to compile a resume.

Keif said that employers make snap judgments when viewing resumes, and that it is important to grab the employer's attention.

When designing a resume, students should use titles or headings that match the job, Keif said.

"The way you can discover that is by examining the job description that you are applying for and adapting their words to your resume," Keif said.

Keif said students should learn market buzzwords and use them appropriately in their resume.

"For instance, if applying for a public relations position, do not put down on your resume that you can throw an awesome party," Keif said. "This won't win you points with your employer. Instead write about your skills in event management."

(c) 2001 North Texas Daily via ispi News Service

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