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The Interview: You're On

Interviews, no matter what type, generally follow a script—first, you're asked questions about your experience and qualifications, then you get asked questions about the job. To be at your best, rehearse your answers to common interview questions and prepare a list of questions to ask the employer (see below for samples of both). Prepare your interview materials before you leave. Bring several copies of your résumé, a list of references, and, if possible, a career portfolio (print or digital) containing work samples. Make sure they are all up-to-date.

Dress professionally and comfortably. If you're not sure about the company's dress code, err on the conservative side. Women should wear a straight-forward business suit with sensible shoes, simple to no jewelry, and a little make-up. Men should wear a clean, ironed shirt with a tie and jacket or business suit and good, polished shoes. Even if your first interview is with a "dress down" type company, you should follow this code to put forth a good first impression.

If you've done your homework and are prepared, your interview should go well. All you have to do now is be confident. Make eye contact with the interviewer and answer questions clearly and concisely. Listen attentively and try to build a rapport with the interviewer. If you're not sure how to answer a question, don't be afraid to ask the interviewer to clarify what he or she is asking. When it's your turn, ask about the specifics of the job, such as functions, responsibilities, who you would work with, and who you would report to and any other relevant issues you may have discovered in your research.

For more, read our Career Advice Documents or listen to our podcasts on Interviews.

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