Methodist Theological School in Ohio

Office of Vocational Discernment

Create a Mentoring Profile

All fields marked with a are required.

Name and Address Information

Please note that your address, telephone number and email address will not appear on your profile, but are required so that you can be contacted by the school.

Are you a U.S. military veteran?

Note: This information is optional and will be used only by your school for internal use.

Academic Information
First Degree
Second Degree (if applicable)
Third Degree (if applicable)

Co-Curricular Activities

Select the Co-Curricular Activities that you participated in while a student at Methodist Theological School in Ohio.

Control-Click to select multiple Co-Curricular Activities.
Shift-Click to select a range of Co-Curricular Activities.

Use the text box below to elaborate further on any clubs, activities or organizations that you participated in while in school.

Contact Preference

Please note that this email address will not appear on your profile. Students and alumni will be able to send messages to you without knowing your email address unless you prefer not to be contacted.

Career Development Questionnaire

The answers to these questions will be displayed to students and alumni of your school.

Mentoring Activities

There are many opportunities for you to become involved to assist students and alumni in their career development and their job search. Please choose those Mentoring Activities that may be of interest to you.

Control-Click to select multiple Mentoring Activities.
Shift-Click to select a range of Mentoring Activities.

Account Information

Please create a User ID and Password so your Mentoring Profile can be updated in the future.

Password strength: