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Success Doesn't Happen By Accident

Bob Roth -- "There are no accidents." If, according to this saying, events are a result of choices made, what choices must students make in order to be successful in college, in a job search, and to reach their career goals?

Most students want to be successful in college. They know that their success in college can lead to success in their careers and in life. However, success does not happen by accident. Yet, not every student is ready to accept that fact.

Unfortunately, some students get it wrong. They come to college with the single goal of having some fun. Of course, that is a choice that students can make. However, fun should only be a small side benefit of their college experience. Launching their careers should be their primary focus. If they leave their college performance and their career goals to chance, success is unlikely to follow.

Students don't consistently perform well by accident. Nobody does. Therefore, if the student's goal is to land a job that pays well and gets their career off to a good start, they should think about the statements that follow.

Students don't:

-- Do well on tests by accident
-- Create exceptional projects and presentations by accident
-- Obtain outstanding references by accident
-- Develop a great reputation by accident
-- Build an exceptional GPA by accident
-- Develop solid job hunting skills by accident
-- Develop a list of accomplishments by accident
-- Become great leaders by accident
-- Develop exceptional communication skills by accident
-- Solve complex problems by accident
-- Become respected professionals by accident
-- Gain exceptional knowledge and skills by accident
-- Obtain job related work experience by accident
-- Become prepared to compete for good jobs by accident
-- Receive amazing job offers by accident

There are things that students can do to become more successful in their college and career endeavors, but they don't happen by accident either.

Successful students:

-- Select a college that will support their career goals
-- Work on ideas and goals that are important to them
-- Identify and describe the goal clearly
-- Create and follow a plan
-- Participate in activities that will be of interest to potential employers
-- Practice continuous learning - Courses, Reading, Research, Participation & Jobs
-- Are willing to make changes and adjustments
-- Obtain the necessary information and tools
-- Develop the necessary skills and abilities
-- Create a work environment free of distractions
-- Surround themselves with supportive people
-- Devote enough time
-- Put in enough effort
-- Perform at a high level
-- Take calculated risks
-- Associate with others who are successful
-- Fight for positive outcomes
-- Communicate their needs
-- Seek help when needed
-- Show their appreciation to those who help them

Every student has to make choices. Those choices will determine how successful they will be in college, in their search for employment and in their careers. Therefore, students should keep this thought in the forefront of their minds: Success doesn't happen by accident.

Source: Ezinearticles

Bob Roth, a former campus recruiter, is the author of five books, including A Successful Senior Year Job Search Begins In The Freshman Year. Known as The "College & Career Success" Coach, Bob writes articles for College Career Services Offices, Campus Newspapers, Parent Associations and Employment Web Sites. Bob has also created The Job Search Preparation System™ for colleges to use to help students find greater success in the job market. For more, please visit Bob's site at

© 2017 Bob Roth

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